Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First night and full day

There is no sugar coating it guys... you will be in major pain the first night and full day as the nerve block begins to wear off and the healing process begins.

TIP - Get a constant pill routine set in place the minute you get home from the hospital. Don't wait until you are in serious pain in the middle of the night. Make sure to take a couple Percocet (or whatever is prescribed)  right of the bat, and the take it every 4 to 6 hours (even if it means waking up in the middle of the night). Trust me, you'll feel much better (maybe just a little dizzy from the drugs)

My pill schedule is -
every 12 hours take one Oxycodone
every 4 hours take one to two Percocet

For my first full day, I have not left my bed at all. My leg was starting to lose the nerve block sometime around 10 am. That's when the serious pain started. Finally the drugs kicked in, and I got really loopy. At night it was impossible for me to find a good position so during the day, when my leg was in the CPM, it was actually much more comfortable. Keep in mind, you'll be in this machine for 6 to 8 hours a day, so try and rest a little bit in it!

My appetite is close to zero, and this is coming from someone who loves food. However pudding cups and yogurts are good, and bagels work too. You just need something to help keep down the drugs.

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