I run. Correction. I jog. No sprints. Technically I have not been cleared to do so, however, I feel absolutely no pain while running. I also participate a little in my sport. Basically, I feel like I could go out and play field hockey, as long as I don't pivot all the way or fall on my knees (because that would hurt). Now obviously I am not cleared to play, so I don't play in games. However, I am considered a defensive coach for my team, so I do participate in some way.
In physical therapy, I have the same routine.
- Bike for 5-10 minutes
- Cable Column
- Leg Press (both legs than single legs)
- This machine where my legs are straight then I push down into a bend position (about 120 degrees)
- Hamstring curl
- Squats
- Balancing exercises
- Step ups/Step downs
- Sometimes table exercises like leg lifts, side leg raises
- Stretch
Good news also; at 4 months out, you take a test that tests your leg strength in your surgical leg and then it compares it to your good leg. So, the test will then say, you are 80% back to full strength... There is a certain range that you have to be at to be cleared. Apparently, no one ever passes at 4 months, but it is now my GOAL.
I am also going to start personal training again at Urban Active to help me gain back my quad muscle.
I was about 1/2 inch to 1 inch away from full muscle capacity last time I was measured - about 2 weeks ago.
Fell free to ask questions. And remember, results vary from person to person, so if your recover is taking longer than you thought, don't get frustrated, just keep working!!
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